Y o u r
H e a l t h ,
Y o u r
W a y
Are you managing your health, your w ay? AstraZeneca has assembled a team of experts to get
you started with sm art, sim ple tips that help you build your own three-step plan with everything
from eating right every day, to setting up a fitness plan to building a positive mindset.
M a k e O v e r Y o u r D i e t !
I often get asked, 'What's the best diet? Is it the
high-protein or the low fat diet?' As a registered
dietitian, I keep myself up-to-date with the new diet
trends, and I try to separate the good science from
fad. And no matter what the new best-selling diet is
on the market, in the end it's about the amount of
ciaudiam .Gonzalez
calories you consume and physical activity.
has been compensated for
her services on this program
Finding the Right Diet
There are several diets on the market, and preferences vary from person to person.
My recommendation is to look for one that you can tailor to your individual needs
and that encourages the inclusion of whole-food groups, moderate-to-small
servings, behavioral change, and physical activity
What Does Good Science Say About Diets?
A new study published by The New England Journal of Medicine states that
"reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of
which macronutrients they emphasize.” In few words, one would lose weight when
calorie reduction occurs, regardless of whether the diet is high or low in a specific
food group (macronutrients)
Good News!
You'll be surprised to know that you don't need to deprive yourself of foods you
like or exercise for hours to lose weight. Just make a few simple changes in your
food choices and lead a less sedentary life. According to the USDA Dietary
Guidelines for Americans, "The best way to give your body the balanced nutrition
it needs is by eating a variety of nutrient-packed foods every day. Just be sure to
stay within your daily calorie needs.”
v is it w w w . Y o u r H e a lt h - Y o u r W a y . c o m
Log on for more great tips and information from Dr Peeke
and the experts to help you build your own smart plan toward
managing your health, your way.
Women understand how
important it is to eat a diet
that's rich in fruits, vegetables,
lean proteins, and whole
grains. These foods are
filled with nutrients that can
contribute to your wellness.
What you may not be aware
of is that with every healthy
bite you eat, you're taking
an important step toward
reducing the risk of plaque
buildup in your arteries.
Team up with your doctor
and a registered dietitian to
develop a healthy eating plan.
Remember that you have to
pay attention to the quality
as well as the quantity of
the foods in your daily diet
Rein in those excess
calories, and try to eat
smaller snacks and meals
more frequently throughout
the day
That's a recipe for
a healthier lifestyle!
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